The Pavilion and Banquet Hall
The Pavilion and Banquet Hall are available for rental for your parties and events.
Contact information for facilities rental:
Pavilion: Mike Andreas (609) 560-7195
Banquet Hall: Joe Heitman (856) 468-1236

About the Pavilion
The new pavilion located at the Mantua Lawson Cox VFW Post 7679 was recently named after Frank Culkin who served as Quartermaster of the Post since 2009. Frank served 8 years in Vietnam as a platoon leader for Tropic Lightning, the 25th Infantry Division Rile Company. Frank was awarded the Army Compensation Medal for meritorious and faithful service as well as the Bronze Star for meritorious achievement in ground operations against hostile forces. The pavilion’s name pays special tribute to Frank for his love, service, and dedication to the Lawson Cox VFW Post 7679.